Partner Saturday

Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – Bulldog Burn

A: Metcon (No Measure)

Partner Up!


On a 13 min clock:

Buy in:

1000m/800m Row


AMRAP in remaining time

40 DB Push Press

30 Pull-up/Ring Rows

20 Box Jumps

10 Burpees
-One partner working at a time. Divide up work however you want.

Metcon (No Measure)



15 Russian Swing

100m KB Suitcase Carry (switch arms at 50m mark)


35 Cals Run/25 Cals Walk

-Switch when both partners are done with work.

C: Metcon (No Measure)

Med Ball Relay

Teams of 2-3

Alternating Rounds

20m Run, 10 Wall Balls, 20m Run

Repeat the sequence for the following movements:

10 Ball Slams

10 MB Burpees

10 MB Sit-ups
-start at lobby end of gym for each movement. Med Ball stays at rig end of gym.

Categories: WOD

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