Olympic Lifting

Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

Olympic lifting

A: Metcon (Weight)

Snatch High Pull + Snatch

4 x (1+1)
*Keep loads light for this complex.

B: Metcon (Weight)

Take 12 minutes to build in the following complex:

Hang Snatch + Snatch + Snatch
*Does not have to be TnG. Get a quality setup for each.

C: Metcon (Weight)

Snatch Grip DL w/ 2 sec pause below knee.

*Begin at finishing weight of complex B and build each set

Acc: Metcon (Weight)

4 Sets

10 1/2 kneeling Front Rack Hold + 1-arm OH Press (5/side)

10 Pendlay Row

5 Box jump 34/26

Categories: WOD

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