
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: Overhead Press (OHP 5×3 @85-90%+-)

B: Metcon (Time)

For Time:

10 Shoulder to overhead 135/95

15 Cal Row

8 Shoulder to overhead 155/105

15 Cal Row

6 Shoulder to overhead 185/125

15 Cal Row

4 Shoulder to overhead 205/135

15 Cal Row
*Athlete must change thier own weights

and use same bar.

*Bar starts on floor

Competition WOD

A: Snatch BB warm up (1 Xs)

Snatch high pull from hip x 6

Power snatch from knee x 6

OH squat x 6

Snatch from knee x 6

B: Hang Power Snatch (Build to heavy in 12 min)

C: Hang Power Snatch (Clusters 3.3.3 x 3)

Rest 15s

Rest 3 min

Start at 75% of todays

D: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

5 sets each for times of

20/15 cal AD

5 burpee box jumps

3 bar MU

Rest 3 min b/t

Accessory Work

A: Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets of

1/2 kneeling 1 arm DB press x 12

Renegade row x 12 / arm

12 GHD sit ups

12 hip ext – weighted

Categories: WOD

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