
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

Main WOD

A: Metcon (No Measure)

10min EMOM

Midline &


even: 15/12 Cal Row/bike Sprint

Odd: 20sec Hollow Rocks

B: Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for time:

3 Press (#115/#75)

6 Push Press

9 Push Jerk

12 Back Squat

Competition WOD

B: Metcon (Time)

As a mixed pair, complete the following for time

120 DUs – each – relay

120 C2B pull ups – total – sets of 15

120 hang power snatch – total – 95/65

120 DUs -each – relay

15 min cap

A: Metcon (No Measure)

4 rounds at 70%

15 double DB bent over rows

10 jump squats

5 muscle snatch BB

C: Snatch Grip Deadlift (3 x 3 @ 62X2 – 100% of snatch)

2s hold at high hang

2s hold at above knee

2s hold at below knee

Categories: WOD

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