Athlete of the Month – March 2017 – Tim Larkin

Where were you in your fitness journey before BCF and where are you now?

I’ve been doing CF type workouts on my own sporadically for the past 5 years. I would use the CF main page wods or just make up my own workouts. Since finishing my college swimming career, it was tough staying motivated working out by myself. I joined Beaverton Crossfit because I needed something more than just working out on my own. My sister and her husband started doing Crossfit together over the summer, my boss encouraged me to work out more consistently, and my wife Paige was the one who suggested BCF.

What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?

Goals? Generally to get fitter and stronger…be able to do multiple pullup reps, lift heavier weights, do a muscle up. I think my ultimate goal is to be comfortable enough to “pop my shirt off” during a workout. I’m nowhere near that point yet, but I’m closer than I’ve ever been. I know that losing my flubber is more nutrition than fitness, but I definitely feel better about myself when I look in the mirror now. I know I’m in better shape.
Those are my big goals, but I keep making more little ones every day. When I started, it was to always do at least the Women’s Rx, now it’s to always do more than whatever the Women’s Rx is. Eventually I hope to be able to everything Men’s Rx. It always feels like an accomplishment when I can click that button!

I love being on a schedule, seeing the same people every day, having a coach again to help me hold myself accountable

What about BCF makes you keep coming back?

I love the variety of CrossFit, but I also really appreciate the consistent strength pieces that are addressed week to week in the programming.

When/what was your “ah ha!” moment?

I don’t know if I’ve had any big “ah hah” moments, just little ones at the end of workouts where I’ve thought, “that sucked, but I love this”. I also had a great time at the Christmas party drinking and gambling, and thought, these are my people.

I am a swim coach, I’ve become a better coach since I started with BCF. Being the athlete, interacting with the coaches has opened my eyes and helped my interaction with the swimmers I coach. I am constantly using the lessons I learn from class in the pool and especially in dryland. There are some really good teachers at BCF.

Does anyone the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?

It sounds cliche, but I’ve been inspired by everyone I’ve come into contact with at BCF. Its been fun starting as an outsider looking in, seeing everyone’s dedication to their own fitness. I was immediately inspired and intimidated. All the coaches have helped me in some way, and they are all really cool people that I enjoy interacting with. I love being recognized for a good effort or being given a technical correction. As far as the other members… Dave and Lisa are a bright spot in the 8:45am (now 9:00) class. Their friendliness and positivity is comforting every day. I love seeing all the couples that CrossFit together (coaches and members). Nat is a MetCon maniac, he is SUPERFIT and I am always trying to stay with him. I remember during one of the snow days, someone’s dad (the Gooding’s?) drove around in his truck to pick up whoever wanted to go and bring them to class. There is a real family and community vibe that I really enjoy. Every class has a different feel to it, but they all feel like family. My life is better since I started with BCF. Thank you.